August 5, 2013

Celebs, Brands and Fake Fans

Channel 4 aired an episode of Dispatches on 5/8/13 taking a look at the murky side to Social Media.|Channel 4 aired an episode of Dispatches on 5/8/13 taking a look at the murky side to Social Media.

‘Celebs, Brands and Fake Fans’ was designed to bring to light some of the back handed ways in which brands can increase social media status by purchasing Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers and YouTube views, outsourced from Bangladesh. It also exposed how some brands essential are paying for their earned media by asking celebrities to tweet about the free products they receive in order to give them a positive association with the celebrities thousands of followers.Overall the programme was a little lack lustre from the usual expectations of Dispatches but nevertheless it raised some interesting issues that needed to be addressed and understood by the general public. For some people, good old fashioned elbow grease doesn’t appeal and buying cheap, meaningless Likes and Followers is more attractive than driving real engagement. It is a quick way to reach their goals but unfortunately benefits no one. Some Social Media Agencies will offer to grow a brand’s social status almost instantaneous through underhand means ensuring a boost in your social at no real gain.However, it is not all outsourcing from India and paying celebrities to endorse your product. There are some Agencies, like ourselves, who use other tactics such as strategy to help our clients raise the profile of their brands. By implementing simple yet effective marketing strategies, brands are able to engage with real fans and potential customers. Once a brand has found their identity, a simple SOSTAC method will ensure that all marketing goals are considered, implemented and tested. Having a structured social guideline and understanding the market is key to knowing where you will find your consumer and what they want see from you. Brands then need to develop a content strategy to fit in with their message. Once collaborated, created and delivered, it is time to watch and listen and to keep in mind the original KPI’s. After assessing whether you have achieved what you set out to accomplish, take these learning’s, refine and repeat!


Dispatches gave a behind the scenes look at how operations are run in order to dupe the public into thinking brands are more popular than they really are. This kind of information is not new to the industry and experts have agreed that they are seeing this kind of behaviour phased out of practise due to stricter laws from social media platforms. It really just boils down to whether your brand values engagement or exploitation. If your brand has a focused message and identity you will receive those all-important Likes, Views and Followers, without having to cheat the system.2013-08-06 16:27:53 By Charlie GriffinImage source 2013-08-06 16:27:53 By Charlie Griffin

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