May 23, 2013

‘Google Play Music All Access’… Catchy!

The digital music industry has come a long way in the past ten years moving on from free peer to peer file sharing services, such as Napster, to a huge range of platforms where music is readily available to purchase or listen to for free. |The digital music industry has come a long way in the past ten years moving on from free peer to peer file sharing services, such as Napster, to a huge range of platforms where music is readily available to purchase or listen to for free.

When it comes to purchasing music, iTunes dominates this space offering access to 25 million songs in 119 countries. Spotify, has 24 million active users worldwide and access to 20 million songs and is arguably the most successful platform for free music access amongst its competitors. By providing a free ad based subscription, users are able to gain access to the full range of Spotify music whilst online in return for interspersed audio advertising or upgrade and pay for premium to exclude such advertising.Google launched its own version of iTunes back in November 2011 called Google Play Music. Now available in the UK its music rivals that of iTunes being preinstalled on all Android devices will make it much easier for Google to infiltrate the Apple dominated market. At the end of last week Google announced it was launching its own online music streaming programme, ‘Google Play Music All Access’. The service promises to deliver a ‘uniquely Google approach to a music subscription service’ and offers not only a rival now to iTunes but also to likes of Spotify combining the purchase platform and subscription listening into one model.The programme is only available currently in the US and will work on a variety of operating systems and devices but excluding iOS, for now. The price point may well encourage users who pay for premium Spotify to switch as Google offers its services £3.34 per month cheaper; users could save £40.08* per year just by searching and listening through a different app.The main feature of the All Access product is the music suggestions feature, strikingly similar to features found in Spotify, Rdio and ‘Genuis’ on iTunes. Google also has opted out of an integrating Facebook and Twitter into its platform, instead choosing to share content through its own social networking site, Google+.Judging by the reviews, Google seems to have brought a quality platform to the market but inherently is not offering anything new to users who have been interacting with music digitally for over a decade. With the imminent arrival of a similar project from Twitter and Apple planning a subscription option for iTunes, competition is heating up, which can only be a good thing for consumers.Sources:*Spotify Rates: £9.99GPMAA: $9.99 (£6.65)

2013-05-24 12:19:00 By Charlie Griffin

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