March 29, 2016

Navigate Digital nominated for two Drum Digital Trading Awards

It’s been a good day at Navigate HQ today.|It’s been a good day at Navigate HQ today.

The Drum Digital Trading Awards

After the disappointment of seeing our Affiliate Account Manager Toni Pitchfork leave us yesterday to go travelling, we all needed a pick-me-up and that sure enough that came in the form of the news that we have been shortlisted for 2 awards at the forthcoming Drum Digital Trading Awards.Everyone likes to be recognised for good work and we are no different. We have made a concerted effort this year to put our head above the parapet and shout louder about the great work we do.Only last month we were shortlisted for 2 other awards at the Performance Marketing Awards (Most Effective Cross Channel Campaign & Best Managed Affiliate Campaign) so today’s news that we’d been shortlisted for ‘Most Effective Agency’ and ‘Best Use of Performance’ was really pleasing.We’ve already booked our table and are looking forwards to the awards ceremony on 4th May where irrespective of whether we win or not, the team will gather to celebrate our successes of the past year.

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