November 6, 2013

The London Restaurant Social Scene

In London the way restaurants serve customers has changed, booking a table seems near impossible, instead restaurants request customers queue for a table. |In London the way restaurants serve customers has changed, booking a table seems near impossible, instead restaurants request customers queue for a table.

Rewind 5 years and most people would be outraged by this concept with food queues reserved namely for McDonalds and low end establishments. Obviously there are still traditional restaurants available but if you want to have a quality meal but not pay a premium price then queuing seems to be the only option.Awareness is an issue for this type of restaurant, as often these start up restaurants cannot afford the best locations. One marketing channel helping restaurants to raise awareness and build customers is Twitter.

The question is, what exactly are these restaurants getting out of engaging with Twitter?Engagement and location of customersMany potential customers may initially be local. Using Twitter search restaurateurs can start communicating with people in the nearby area, customers that visit the restaurant will be keen to follow and engage with the restaurant helping to build a customer base.It helps build the brandOnce a restaurant has established its brand it can carry its brand across to Twitter with the correct tone of voice. Every Tweet written or re-tweeted will be part of the brand and will help to enhance it’s culture.PromotionsIt lets customers know about the latest event, new menus or even a competition. This also provides an excellent opportunity to build relationships with people that haven’t even visited the restaurant.Excellent for networkingWhether looking for new staff, connecting with suppliers or bantering with other restaurants in the area, Twitter provides a great source for building relationships with people in the trade.Outstanding customer serviceBeing online to thank customers for visiting, will encourage customer loyalty and ensure the same customers keep coming back. Keeping new customers is much easier than acquiring new ones.Free marketing channels are available to all start-up companies, it is only by utilising these channels that WOM can spread and brands can be established within a particular market. Knowing your customer, tone of communication and engagement are all imperative to continue the conversation and ensure that the business grows with its Twitter followers.2013-11-07 17:08:51 By Matty Wilcock

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